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IRD Building


This project consists of an eight storey office building with 2,200m2 floor plates constructed in reinforced and pre-stressed concrete, together with a four storey car park and an adjoining retail/office building which is constructed behind the existing heritage façade. Substantial streetworks were undertaken to improve the streetscape adjoining the project.


The adjoining building was required to utilise the existing Cashel Street façade, providing ground floor retail/café spaces, and first floor office space for the client to the north side with a minimum of 200 car parks to the south.


Rapaki Property Group (the client) required a building, which would require minimum maintenance with the exterior and entry spaces being of a high architectural standard. The existing historical section of façade was to be retained as a critical planning element for the project.


The building features the use of a durable natural concrete finish both internally and externally. The concrete façade system has been designed to minimise direct sunlight on to the windows whilst still allowing for the maximum of natural light to penetrate into the building.


High performance glass was used for the glazing not screened by the façade. The thermal mass of the concrete structure has been utilised to reduce the heating and cooling requirement of the building.


Extensive use has been made of precast concrete and a unique connection system was developed for the connection of the seismic shear wall elements.







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